Support the Home Team

August 6, 2013

In Columbus, the start of football training camp brings excitement, curiosity and optimism. Players come back to camp with improved skills to add to the team, coaches are prepared and often apply a theme to the season from the first whistle, fans are watching every move to determine just how good the team will be and they look forward to the traditions that the first game will rekindle.

So what is stopping the rest of us from applying that type of enthusiasm to our endeavors, especially those that involve our community and opportunities for job seekers? What if we put in even more effort for the next few weeks to prepare for a busy fall campaign to generate opportunities, become more competitive and build up or capacity to deal with adversity that is sure to come our way?

What if we also cheered on our “teams”? I encourage you to stop by your local economic development office or send them a note of thanks for the work they do. Ask what their plans are and how you can help. Call an elected leader to learn about his or her ideas for growing jobs. Take the opportunity to discuss the challenges facing our community. Great teams have great players, good coaches and committed fans – it takes the whole package.

Let’s have a great week and a great season. Go Bucks!

-Kenny McDonald

One Columbus Update

  • Congratulations and thank you to Avnet, Exel Direct, Pillar Technology, FCX Performance and Lululemon Athletica. Their expansions will bring more than 600 jobs to the Columbus Region.
  • Along with our allies at the Columbus Chamber and the Columbus Region Logistics Council, our team is kicking off an analysis that will lead to a 5-year roadmap for the Columbus Region logistics industry. This will involve interviews with many of you and we invite you to be a part of the process as we move forward.
  • One Columbus is also about to undertake a first-time ever regional workforce assessment to aid economic development efforts and provide regional employers, communities and stakeholders with factual labor market insights. As part of the assessment, we will be conducting interviews with employers and may be reaching out to several of you. We also encourage any and all residents of the Columbus Region to take this anonymous survey and share it with your networks. More information about this important initiative is to come.
  • Last week, we traveled with a Columbus delegation to Dayton to meet with Congressman Michael Turner for a discussion about our state’s federal retention effort and how communities can come together for the good of our U.S. Department of Defense assets. The Columbus Region has the second highest Department of Defense-related employment in Ohio, and retaining and growing these jobs is a priority. The Columbus Chamber, in partnership with the Columbus Partnership and One Columbus, is organizing a stakeholder working group around this initiative.
  • This week, our team will travel to Park City, Utah to participate in the Logistics Development Forum. We are also headed to Cleveland to meet with site consultants.
  • The Columbus Region Logistics Council Job Fair takes place August 8. Several companies are recruiting for various positions in the logistics industry, so please encourage job seekers in your network to attend.