Developing Future Talent

The Columbus Region’s collaborative culture fosters an ecosystem of partnerships with regional educational institutions developing the workforce the business community needs.

An Educated Workforce

The Columbus Region is known for its access to high-quality education, which creates a dynamic, versatile workforce for companies to recruit and develop to support their business goals.





Top 10


Higher Education

The Columbus Region hosts a high concentration of public and private higher education institutions, perhaps the most well-known of which is The Ohio State University. With so many options to choose from, the Columbus Region retains many of its young people and attracts many more to the area for school, many of whom become part of the Region’s workforce upon graduation.

Career and Technical Schools

The Columbus Region has a multitude of options for workforce development outside of the higher education landscape. Technical and vocational schools for advanced manufacturing, computer science, robotics, trades, and more create a steady pipeline of skilled talent ready to take your operations to new heights.

Collaborative Programming

The Columbus Region’s education partners are committed to ensuring that the business community can source the talent it needs close to home. To that end, both the higher education and technical institutions are known for creating programs to address specific educational needs. One Columbus can help your company connect with the right institution to build such programs.


The workforce of tomorrow is being built in the Columbus Region’s abundance of city and suburban public school options and private, STEM and vocational K-12 options.

21 public high schools
in Columbus alone

80+ high schools across
the Columbus Region

67 public school districts enrolling more than 300,000 students

23,000 annual high school graduates

93% high school average 4-year graduation rate

61% high school graduates enroll in college

Partner Organizations

The Region’s higher education partners graduate skilled and prepared future employees.

Capital University logo
Dension logo
Franklin University is One of US
The Ohio State University logo
Ohio Wesleyan is One of US