Meet the Columbus Partnership
The Columbus Partnership is a nonprofit, member-based coalition that represents a diverse set of industries and organizations in the Columbus Region.
The Columbus Partnership was founded in 2002 as a non-profit, membership-based organization of CEOs from Columbus’ leading businesses and institutions. What began as eight CEOs evolved into the Partnership’s current membership base of more than 70 leaders who represent the Columbus business community. The Columbus Partnership’s family of organizations includes One Columbus, Smart Columbus, and Clean Energy Partners.
The Partnership strategically considers how to uphold the shared vision to be the most prosperous region in the U.S. Leaders from member organizations and others convene to address opportunities to advance economic development, smart mobility, public policy, education, leadership development, philanthropy, community branding, and downtown development.
Founding Members
John (Jack) W. Kessler
Co-Founder and Chairman
New Albany Company
Leslie H. Wexner
Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus
Executive Committee

Stephen D. Steinour
Columbus Partnership Co-Chair
Chairman, President and CEO

Jeffrey W. Edwards
Chairman, CEO and President
Installed Building Products
Board of Advisors

Joseph (joe) R. Nardone
President and CEO
Columbus Regional Airport Authority


Brad L. Campbell
President and CEO
The Dispatch Printing Company
Jack W. Nicklaus
Jack W. Nicklaus, II

Our team is on hand to help your business find its place in the Columbus Region. Together we’ll secure your growth and future in our thriving ecosystem.