Speak Plainly

February 3, 2014

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Leonardo da Vinci

I am currently attending the International Economic Development Council’s annual Leadership Summit. The variety of topics being discussed is dizzying as those in the field of economic development are faced with increasingly complex challenges and opportunities. In the hallways, economic developers can be heard using their own jargon and speaking in shorthand about the nuances of the profession.

As noted in this article from Business Insider, delivering a clear message isn’t always easy. It is critical for economic developers to speak clearly, especially given that our audiences vary widely across businesses, governments and civic groups.

Whether working with stakeholders within the community or with clients analyzing the community, we must force ourselves to do three things when we communicate:

First, we must be succinct. Second, we must ask questions and listen to determine if there is understanding. Then, we must repeat.

Kenny McDonald

One Columbus Update