Political rhetoric

September 10, 2012

The last two weeks have brought us more political rhetoric than anyone should have to be subject to – but it is a lot of fun to watch. The points and counterpoints offered by the Republicans and the Democrats certainly offered different perspectives on job creation and America’s economic future.

As our Economic Developer’s Advisory Committee (EDAC) met last week we dissected two example economic development deals. Each project has a story, developed by the characters from the company that are involved and the communities and service providers involved. Each project has obstacles that had to be overcome, including the balancing of personalities and stressful decisions. Policies may make investment possible, but it is ultimately up to the decision makers and public and private partners to move forward, to take calculated risks, and trust that the market will move and that what is promised is delivered. It is fascinating to watch how each company makes decisions and how each project comes together.

These are the stories that are too often untold – men and women working together to make the economy move ahead.

Looking East, Looking West

The Buckeyes have played and won twice, school routines are settling in, and we survived the rhetoric of two national political conventions. From now until Thanksgiving week we have jammed packed calendars and will be working to ensure that we make progress towards our 2012 goals.

This week the Columbus Region is meeting with growing companies in China on a 5-day mission. We’ll have dozens of meetings with companies and industry officials along with officials from The Ohio State University, BioOhio, the City of Gahanna and private partners.

To the west, our team is also traveling to California to hold meetings with the headquarters of some of our local employers, and growing companies throughout Silicon Valley.

Kenny McDonald