
August 13, 2012

I had the opportunity last week to connect with an old friend, an exceptionally inspirational friend. My friend is a lawyer for the U.S. Olympic Committee, a former world record setting Olympian, a former collegiate cross-country runner, and a blind man.

His accomplishments are inspirational to many because he has overcome his limitations to achieve some incredible goals – and has the trophy case to prove it. What is impressive to me and many others that have had the opportunity to get to know him personally is his everyday achievement of living independently and his ability to always be setting new goals.

He is aware of his challenges and dismissive of their limitations. He is aware that his blindness makes it harder to achieve his goals. Whether it is becoming an Olympian, a lawyer with his own practice, a valued employee of the USOC, or simply a person that lives by his own terms, he sees only opportunity where others see roadblocks.

This week let’s be aware of our challenges, and dismissive of the limitations that they present. Let’s use our challenges as a vehicle to overcome them, not an excuse to accept their fate. I encourage you to watch the London Paralympic Games in just 17 days.

One Columbus Update
Congratulations to our team members that completed Pelotonia this weekend, and the many thousands of others that supported this great event and incredible cause. Amazing!

Our team was in Canada last week and also attended yet another gathering of logistics executives in Utah. Three companies will be visiting the region this week and keeping our team busy! Our delegation to China is being set, and it is going to be a great group. The One Columbus Board of Directors meets this week to discuss our progress and the exciting opportunities in front of us this autumn.

Let’s have a great week.

-Kenny McDonald