A recent visit to Washington, D.C.

July 2, 2012

A recent visit to Washington, D.C. was both exhausting and exhilarating.  The hum of power is all around the nation’s capital, and our team received great news that our region’s grant application had been funded for the critical east-west connector. This project will reduce congestion and accelerate commerce in the Columbus Region and for the entire corridor from the Port of Virginia to Chicago.  The Columbus Regional Airport Authority, the Columbus Chamber, the City of Columbus, Franklin County, and many others advocated effectively and should be commended for their work.

The exhausting part comes when you realize how good intentioned and well-meaning our elected officials are, and how hard it is to get anything done.  Our system of democracy is imperfect, but still the envy of so many.  The Supreme Court’s decision last Thursday regarding the Healthcare law, provides a window of what America is all about.  President Obama waited and watched with millions of other concerned citizens to hear the verdict from a separate branch of government.  He didn’t hear it early and he didn’t know the outcome.  Regardless of what you think of the outcome of that decision, it is a great reminder that we are all Americans, and as imperfect as our system is, it still provides moments that remind us that we are the greatest laboratory of democracy ever created.

Our team at One Columbus wants to wish you a safe and happy 4th of July holiday!

-Kenny McDonald