What is Your Promise?

January 27, 2014

“We promise in proportion to our hopes, and we deliver in proportion to our fears.” -Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Economic development is a competitive process in which communities, states and nations position themselves to be heard by businesses, entrepreneurs and talented people. Every community attempts to position itself as a vibrant, growing, uniquely interesting place, and while some are able to clearly define themselves by a singular attribute, others do not. Even communities that carve out a niche – for example, New York City being known as the world’s financial center – may also strive to be known as something else.

As a community with a diverse set of people and businesses, the Columbus Region can be defined in multiple ways. Do our 64 college campuses mean we are a major academic center? Does being the home of state government, the nation’s bellwether of presidential election results and a great location for political conventions mean we’re a political hub? Does the presence of Honda and hundreds of suppliers make us a major automotive center? Are we a logistics powerhouse? A hub of fashion design and retail innovation? A thriving place for talented artists, academic thought leaders and high-growth companies?

YES. And those attributes certainly influence the work we do to promote our community and elevate its brand.

However, as organizations, leaders and residents work together to enhance the perception of the Columbus Region, there’s another question that’s important to ask:

What is our promise?

As a civic leader, what promises are you making to the people who live in your community?

What promise does your community make to prospective students, businesses, entrepreneurs, immigrants and visitors?

Your promise, and your ability to deliver on it day after day and year after year, will result in tremendously positive impact in your community.

Are you delivering on your promise?

Kenny McDonald

One Columbus Update

  • This week, the One Columbus team will travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with location consultants.
  • Tuesday, January 28 is the deadline to register for the 2014 Columbus Chamber Annual Meeting with keynote speaker Jack Hanna.
  • Friday, January 31 is the deadline to apply for the 2014 Ohio Export Internship Program . Designed for companies that are looking to export for the first time or to improve their current export initiatives, the program matches companies with highly motivated students and provides a 50 percent reimbursement of intern wages.