The American Dream

June 30, 2014

This week we celebrate the Declaration of Independence, the principles on which the United States of America was founded – life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The freedom to pursue your economic dreams as individuals and as an economy is central to these beliefs. While the United States is not the only place in the world where one can rise from little means to achieve great economic success, it is still the brightest light and offers more freedoms than obstacles.

America offers the best place in the world to pursue your dreams – whether an entrepreneur writing her business plan, an innovator relentlessly pursuing a patent on a new medical device, or a young person getting his or her first job.

This week, let us celebrate those moments and fight to protect them for future generations.

Kenny McDonald

For more on this subject please visit Ed Burghard’s I Believe in the American Dream.

One Columbus Update

  • Last week, Alliance Data Retail Services announced the addition of 700 jobs at its Easton location. Congratulations to Alliance Data, and thank you for your continued investment in the Columbus Region.
  • This week, we will meet with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), a nonprofit that acts as a bridge connecting U.S. and Japanese markets.
  • Congratulations to Victor Thorne on the launch of ForgeX, a technology alliance dubbed the “next big thing in Columbus tech.” Victor has been an integral part of the One Columbus team as managing director of strategic development for the last two years, and we are excited for his new venture.