December 14, 2020

We all need a pick me up from time to time and this year has been no exception. I want to thank our partners in economic development for doing this for me over thepast year. Each week, even each day, there are inspiring stories coming out of our region. Cranes are lifting steel to erect new spaces for manufacturing plants, new logistics centers, research facilities, and new office buildings. Public and private infrastructure is being built to open new areas of development and upgrade others. Clients are being hosted by local allies that have found a way to roll out the red carpet during a pandemic. Mostly I’m inspired, sometimes I am truly amazed.

Want to feel even more passionate about getting help to businesses and entrepreneurs? Take a few hours and tour one of our cities or counties with an economic developer or a community advocate. This past week I did just that with the Logan County team and their private partners from Small Nation. Tour with them and meet merchants, see renovated spaces, and possibly a glimpse of the future. Forbes recently highlighted this transformative work happening in Bellefontaine.

Finally, I am inspired by Crew SC! The two-time MLS Champion COLUMBUS Crew that is. After three years of uncertainty about the team’s future and home, they delivered a championship that has lifted our spirits. Sincere congratulations to the team, its passionate and local owners, and to the loyal fans.

-Kenny McDonald