April 12, 2022

Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.A.P. J. Abdul Kalam

We live each day with the results and the consequences of the sacrifices of those who came before us. The tough decisions they made and their willingness to give up all that was theirs have given us opportunities and advanced our society. The sacrifices not taken, and the decisions that have been put off, also shape us and remind us there is much more to do for our future generations.

The freedoms we enjoy, particularly in the United States, have required sacrifice–and they will again and again. Please take a moment this week to extend gratitude to a leader within your community who has sacrificed so that you are able to live in a healthier, safer place. Take note of the sacrifices of those who founded your company, and the opportunity that their legacy has created for you and others. Write a note to those who stood up for your legal and human rights, built a park to honor others, or otherwise ensured an entire community would be better off.

Finally, decide what sacrifices are necessary now, so you may be honored in the same way far into the future. In comparison to that incredible reward, you may find most sacrifices to be small. Let’s have a great week of building each other and our communities up, and tearing down the barriers to opportunity and future prosperity.

-Kenny McDonald