MSC Industrial Direct to Add 250 Jobs, Invest $55 Million in Columbus Region

July 30, 2012

Columbus, OH – MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc., one of the largest direct marketers and distributors of metalworking and maintenance, repair and operations (“MRO”) products, has announced it will build a 400,000-square-foot distribution facility in the Columbus Region. The $55 million investment will create 250 jobs in the region by the end of 2016, with a total of 300 jobs expected by the end of 2017.

“We are pleased to announce our plans for our fifth domestic Customer Fulfillment Center (“CFC”) in Columbus, Ohio,” said Doug Jones, executive vice president, Global Supply Chain Operations of MSC. “Our current success and growth plan requires us to add a new CFC to support our world-class service model as we continue to grow. After conducting a thorough review, Columbus provided the most compelling opportunity to expand our distribution network in the most cost-effective manner, in a region that fits well with our existing network and provides easy access to key markets and resources, as well as a rich pool of local talent.”

The Melville, New York-based company, which currently employs approximately 160 people in supply and branch locations within Ohio, worked with various economic development entities in the Columbus Region – ranging from JobsOhio at the state level, Columbus 2020 and Franklin County at the regional level, and the City of Columbus locally – to make its move to Central Ohio a reality. Most state and local incentives were reviewed and approved today.

“I thank JobsOhio, Franklin County, and Columbus 2020 for working with us on this exciting job creation project, and especially MSC Industrial for investing in Columbus and creating new opportunities for our residents,” said Mayor Michael B. Coleman. “Because of the leadership of companies like MSC Industrial, Ohio is on the rebound and Columbus is becoming one of the best cities for jobs in the nation.”

Noting that the County is expected to invest $75,000 to help the company train its workers, Commissioner President Paula Brooks said, “We recognize that to compete for the jobs of the future, we must invest in our greatest economic assets: the hard-working men and women of Central Ohio who want good-paying, stable jobs. By connecting skilled workers to jobs, or giving good training to potential workers such as our veterans and young people, we are helping all of Franklin County benefit from this investment.”

The Columbus Region, known for its strategic proximity between major logistics hubs like the East Coast and Chicago, has become an attractive spot for companies looking to transport products throughout the region and the nation. Recent developments like the Rickenbacker Intermodal Terminal – which raised vertical clearances in rail tunnels to accommodate double-stack trains, reducing the transit time between the East Coast and the Midwest by up to one day – have helped to further highlight the region’s offering to distribution-focused companies seeking relocation and expansion opportunities.

“This project is yet another example of the Columbus Region’s competitiveness as a global logistics center,” said Kenny McDonald, chief economic officer, Columbus 2020. “We welcome MSC to the region and look forward to helping the company exceed its goals for years to come.”

“Bringing MSC Industrial to the Columbus area hinged in large part on the high-level of cooperation between the local, regional, and state partners,” said Mark Patton, a JobsOhio Managing Director who oversees the logistics cluster. “The direct result of that teamwork is significant job creation and capital investment to Central Ohio along with a strengthening of the region’s logistics industry.”

To formally announce MSC’s commitment to the Columbus Region, officials from Columbus 2020, JobsOhio, the City of Columbus and other economic development partners will join the Governor Kasich at an event Tuesday, July 31 at 11:30 a.m. at JP’s Catering, 2000 Norton Road in Columbus. Officials from MSC will also be present to discuss details of the company’s new distribution facility.


About MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc.
MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc. is one of the largest direct marketers and premier distributors of Metalworking and Maintenance, Repair and Operations (“MRO”) supplies to industrial customers throughout the United States. MSC employs one of the industry’s largest sales forces and distributes approximately 600,000 industrial products from approximately 3,000 suppliers to approximately 325,000 customers. In-stock availability is approximately 99%, with next day standard delivery to the contiguous United States on qualifying orders up until 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. MSC reaches its customers through a combination of approximately 18 million direct-mail catalogs, 107 branch sales offices, 1,101 sales people, the Internet and associations with some of the world’s most prominent B2B eCommerce portals. For more information, visit the Company’s website at

About Columbus 2020
Columbus 2020 is a bold public-private partnership that leverages the strengths of the Columbus Region’s talented workforce, small and large businesses, research and academic institutions, and international connections to ignite economic growth and build a healthier, more sustainable future for Central Ohio. The initiative grows our economy by ensuring that our existing companies are growing and thriving, that the world’s leading companies are attracted to the 11-county region, that innovations are cultivated and commercialized, and that our civic infrastructure is continually improving to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving world economy. For more information, visit

Kenny McDonald

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