Is It Worth It?

June 23, 2014

As a busy business leader or as a citizen, is it worth it to put your time, energy and resources toward your community’s efforts to grow and prosper? In my experience working with volunteers, elected officials and committed civic leaders of nearly every type, the answer is – unequivocally – YES!

First, the issues are too important to leave to someone else. For those who run local businesses that rise or fall based on local sales, it is imperative to invest in the economic development of your town, city, county and region. Those who run larger enterprises are dependent on the area’s growth to sustain and grow their talent base and to improve their brands. Food for thought: It could be argued that Detroit’s problems have also damaged automakers’ brands. Meanwhile, others have seen brands flourish because of their association with a place – for example, businesses in Silicon Valley.

Second, it can make you a better at your day job. Working on community issues can require unusual persistence. There are many perspectives about the path to take, and the volunteers to your left and right may not agree with your opinion. For business leaders and elected officials this can be frustrating, but it’s also important. How has your community involvement made you a better leader?

Third, if not you, then who? If not now, when? Last weekend’s Columbus Dispatch article about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio was a great look at this subject. There are so many committed people in our region and across the U.S., but there is also increasing need for resources and involvement. Each and every volunteer, email of encouragement or donation matters to your community’s fight for progress.

Finally, it should be said that your involvement, your ideas and your effort are greatly appreciated. Allow me to say thank you to the hundreds of organizations that support the Columbus Region’s growth strategy. The work being done to propel the Columbus Region forward could not be happen without your engagement.

Kenny McDonald

One Columbus Update

  • Last week, the One Columbus team conducted successful business development missions in Chicago, Atlanta, Columbia and Greenville.
  • This week, the Columbus Region Logistics Council is hosting Seamless Logistics: The Evolution of Multichannel Retailing. Register here and learn about the newest fulfillment center phenomenon – omnichannel – from a panel of industry operators.
  • The Columbus Region May Economic Update is available for download here. Last month, 22 new projects were started and we congratulated Bocchi Laboratories on their addition of 300 jobs in New Albany, Homage for their expansion in Columbus, and Heritage Cooperative for their new $35 million agricultural campus and research farm in Marysville.