Clean Energy Ventures
Clean Energy Ventures is a 501(c)3 created by the Columbus Partnership to steward access to renewable energy for our Low-Income Disadvantaged Communities, Central Ohio Nonprofits, and Minority Owned Businesses.

Impact Solar
Our Impact Solar program developed in partnership with Community Renewable Energy, Clean Energy Ventures with low interest capital provided by the Columbus Region Green Fund offers Power Purchase Agreements and other financing mechanisms to our community members, stewarding renewable energy assets for our partners in exchange for a reduced rate per kWH for the term of the agreement. Clean Energy Ventures maintains these solutions for the duration of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and then transfers the asset to our partners at the end of the PPA term.

Our Funding Model
Clean Energy Ventures Impact Solar program ensures that solar energy is more affordable than grid energy for our underserved communities. This funding model removes traditional financial barriers associated with securing renewable energy by providing these technologies at no up-front cost. It also ensures energy savings from day one, creating wealth for underserved communities and helping nonprofits reinvest resources into their vital missions.
Are you interested in securing solar power for your home or organization? Please visit our Impact Solar page to complete an interest form and we will reach out to you!
Get in Touch
For more information about the Columbus Region, please fill out the form.
Mark Patton
Executive Vice President
Clean Energy Ventures