First let me thank

August 28, 2012

First, let me thank all of the One Columbus investors, public and private, for a great summer of learning and progress. Our team is thankful for all of the everyday interactions and the important feedback we continue to get to improve our plan. It’s working; 2020’s Quarter 2 2012 Quarterly Update was posted recently and it has some very positive news about our trajectory. The Columbus region continues to add jobs and is nearing employment levels from 2008. Over 18,000 talented people remain unemployed in our region according to Ohio Means Jobs, so the work continues without delay.

We have continued our push to reach companies throughout the region with the goal of connecting resources and programs to our economic base employers. 2020’s business development efforts also continue around the globe in an effort to speak to growing companies and industry representatives. Our team will lead international delegations to both China and Japan in the next 60 days. The Columbus region continues to be noticed as a region that is doing well and delivering on its promises. Our pipeline of economic development projects remains very positive and continues to strengthen.

September 11th event
One Columbus has cancelled its Regional Economic Dialogue in favor of doing a program with the Mid-Ohio Development Exchange on December 7th at Columbus State. We will provide more details as the date approaches but it promises to be an exceptional day involving public sector leaders from around the 11-county region and private leaders engaged in the One Columbus effort. This important event allows for direct input into the 2013 program of work for One Columbus. As a One Columbus investor please mark December 7th on your calendar.

One Columbus will be helping to host several programs this fall that will involve thought leaders from different disciplines of economic development. We will forward invitations for these events to you as they approach.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
Over the past several months One Columbus has gathered input from the 11-county region, meeting with public and private leaders and a variety of economic development professionals. The principles developed when the One Columbus strategy was created nearly 3 years ago are at the heart of the CEDS plan developed for the U.S. Economic Development Administration, but the exercise has allowed the Columbus region to strengthen the plan based on our evolving economy. Several areas of collaboration were identified during the process and the plan has been posted for public comment. Your feedback is highly valued.

SiteOhio Certification Program
The SiteOhio Certification Program developed through the Development Services Agency has developed two advisory committees to help gather feedback for the program. One Columbus will be participating directly and suggesting other stakeholders. If you have an interest in this program please let a member of our team know

Interesting Fall Events
A few events to keep on your calendars 30 days from now.

-September 28th – October 8th – idUS 2012 – a weeklong celebration of innovation and ideas to propel the Columbus region forward.

-September 30th – October 5th – The 4th Annual International EcoSummit – Ecological Sustainability, Restoring the Planet’s EcoSystem Services

There is much more to cover and many other initiatives that we are involved in, please do not hesitate to contact our team to set up a one-on-one meeting or to discuss the economy. We value your insight and your support.

All the best,