Community Trust

April 22, 2013

The best and worst of society were displayed during the past week. For me, the events in Boston portrayed authentic community culture and ultimately, community trust. Faced with an enormous test, the Boston metro area responded heroically.

Although there were extraordinary individual acts, the Boston community stood defiantly against terrorists by responding as a community. They did so by listening to and assisting civic and safety officials in the capture of the people responsible for the terror. And they did so through genuine acts of unity, like singing the national anthem at the Boston Bruins game.

For those serving in public positions (elected officials, public servants, school administrators, economic developers) this is a terrific example of why building trust over time is so important.

When it is really necessary for that trust to be drawn upon, who will you turn to and what will the result be? Would every community have responded the same way as Boston? Would Los Angeles respond similarly? Would Columbus? I would like to think that each would respond positively and in its own authentic way.

-Kenny McDonald

One Columbus Update 

  • Last week, One Columbus took part in Area Development’s FDI Forum in St. Louis, and the International Economic Development Council’s Federal Economic Development Forum in Washington, D.C. The impact of immigration reform on economic development was a hot topic at both conferences.
  • Our team was also very fortunate to attend a day-long retreat of the Columbus Partnership with leaders from throughout the Columbus Region. A series of thoughtful discussions were held regarding the intersection of economic development and education. Thank you to the Columbus Partnership for their leadership on both of these issues.
  • In the April 19 issue of Columbus Business First,  you’ll find a special Economic Development Report featuring the progress made in the Columbus Region. Thank you to the many economic development allies who made the special section and our regional successes possible.
  • This week, our team will be in Chicago with JobsOhio to speak to clients, location advisors and a number of international allies. We will also be in New York City meeting with clients and attending Inside 3D Printing, and in Orlando attending ACG Capital Connection.
  • We look forward to seeing you next week at our Investor Update, featuring keynote speaker Bob Hess, a respected leader in corporate location strategy and site selection.