A Pleasure Doing Business With You

July 18, 2012

I wanted to craft a very short note today based on a series of meetings that I’ve had over the past month and on behalf of our team. One Columbus is actively engaged on over 130 economic development projects right now, and is meeting regularly with dozens of companies each month to listen and learn. We wanted to take just one day to say thank you to all of these companies for their sincere interest in the welfare of the people that work for them and the communities in which they reside. We rarely meet with a company that does not have a great interest in advancing the careers of their people and/or making the communities in which they operate better places to live, work, and play. As a region, and a collection of communities, we just wanted to say thank you for your tireless work to earn a profit, reinvest in your people and continue to make the Columbus Region a special place.

One Columbus Update
Our team will be in Washington D.C. today meeting with companies and location advisors. The team continues to prepare for a trip to China next week. Our trip to China will lay the groundwork for meetings later this fall when we take a delegation to visit companies and industry associations in an effort to build relationships and discuss direct investment and job creation within the Columbus Region. We will be hosting meetings in Franklin and Fairfield counties to discuss economic development strategy and also attending two different meetings about advanced energy. The Columbus Region continues to move forward.

¬-Kenny McDonald