Civic Impact

The Columbus Partnership team and our members are well-versed in issues related to public policy and government affairs.

Representing the Region

The Columbus Partnership represents the Columbus Region’s people and businesses by advocating for their interests at the local and national level.

Public Policy

Advancing policies that support economic growth and prosperity.

Government Affairs

Impacting change at the local, state and federal levels of government.

A Finger on the Pulse

The Columbus Partnership is active at every level of local, state, and federal government to ensure the Region’s interests are represented. The Partnership’s members engage political leaders through multiple avenues.

Interface with public officials and their staff to ensure the priorities of the Region’s business community are discussed through every sector of government.

Promote a comprehensive policy agenda that focuses on issues that affect business and economic competitiveness in the Columbus Region.

Initiate and enhance collaboration with key stakeholders to facilitate conversation about important policy issues that have a significant impact on the Region’s economic development and smart city-focused initiatives.

Regularly convene with leaders in the nation’s capital to discuss federal policy priorities.

Get in Touch

For more information about the Columbus Region, please fill out the form.

Jeff Polesovsky

Vice President, Government Affairs
Columbus Partnership

Let’s talk