2014 – A Year of Action

January 6, 2014

The economic forecasts for 2014 are wide-ranging with theories and opinions about how Wall Street will perform, how various industries will soar or decline, and how the middle class will fare. As with most years, 2014 promises to bring challenges and plenty of opportunities for the Columbus Region.

We don’t know what twists and turns the global economy will present, and we don’t have answers right now for the challenges that will certainly come our way. What we do know is that the Columbus Region is prepared to act and act together to meet both opportunity and adversity.

Some of the actions we take will work well, others may not, but let’s continue to practice the art and science of economic development. Let our region continue to work together on smart solutions to seemingly intractable problems, and to be open to solutions offered from those not within the traditional power structure. Let us remain committed to taking action to help companies create jobs and invest in technology and infrastructure, and let’s build partnerships that generate opportunities across our entire region. Most of all, let our actions be an example of what CAN be done.

May 2014 bring you many blessings.

Kenny McDonald

One Columbus Update

  • One Columbus’s plan includes dozens of activities that will take our team into each of our 11 counties, across the United States and around the world. We’re committed to working every day to generate opportunities and to prepare Columbus Region communities for economic growth. Please stay tuned for updates on economic development projects our team is working on and alert us about opportunities for our region that you believe should be acted upon.